Mar 22, 2009

Living with zest..whereever that happens

Turning forty has meant, 

turning introspective....

Somehow turning twenty or thirty was not like this.....
......there was an aggression 

about life
about future ...
for self and others!
Goals to be achieved, 
Imaginary battles to be fought before the Mt. Everest was conquered!

Today there's a need to give others, and myself, the space.

There is also an urge to give back what I have got.

Mellowed down, I definitely have!

Yet, if I were to reflect on myself and life, 

I have been a maverick: 
sometimes rebelliously so
at others , meekly !

and the oft repeated, oft quoted Robert Frost's lines seem written JUST for me!

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less travelled by,
and that has made all the difference

So am I living life to fit in or stand out ?


its living life with zest

wherever that happens!

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