'In an age of speed, I began to think, nothing could be more invigorating than going slow. In an age of distraction, nothing can feel more luxurious than paying attention. And in an age of constant movement, nothing is more urgent than sitting still.'
~Pico Iyer~
Its been a while, that the need to slow down has been knocking hard....
Permeating every moment when I am harried and rushing through the day
Pulling me back when I want to multitask mindlessly
Egging me on
Slow down
and chill....
And become more attentive!
What's there to rush like this???
My body decided to join in this coaxing and cajoling :
Fell off the stairs whilst I was climbing , a few days back...The foot hurt badly and ego was badly bruised 😉 !
What seemed like a small cut was actually a deeper wound requiring immediate attention and stitching up.
Doctor was categorical in his verdict - Complete bed rest for a fortnight and a strong dose of painkillers! Your world will not stop!
No, it won't....
'Ahem, Really?'
I have been playing the 'grounded kabootar' ever since...
Trying hard Not to move or to DO anything which adds pressure to the hurt foot.
Playing a 'patient' patient
Allowing everyone time to attend to me after I holler for the nth time!
Its not helping that I had decided just last month to do a facebook/whatsapp detox and wean myself from inane conversations and peripheral connections on social media....
Becoming aware how difficult it has become to quieten down and listen to my inner voice- Practicing the art of stillness!
' in an age of constant movement, nothing is more urgent than sitting still!'
'In an age of speed, I began to think, nothing could be more invigorating than going slow. In an age of distraction, nothing can feel more luxurious than paying attention. And in an age of constant movement, nothing is more urgent than sitting still.'
~Pico Iyer~
Its been a while, that the need to slow down has been knocking hard....
Permeating every moment when I am harried and rushing through the day
Pulling me back when I want to multitask mindlessly
Egging me on
Slow down
and chill....
And become more attentive!
What's there to rush like this???
My body decided to join in this coaxing and cajoling :
Fell off the stairs whilst I was climbing , a few days back...The foot hurt badly and ego was badly bruised 😉 !
What seemed like a small cut was actually a deeper wound requiring immediate attention and stitching up.
Doctor was categorical in his verdict - Complete bed rest for a fortnight and a strong dose of painkillers! Your world will not stop!
No, it won't....
'Ahem, Really?'
I have been playing the 'grounded kabootar' ever since...
Trying hard Not to move or to DO anything which adds pressure to the hurt foot.
Playing a 'patient' patient
Allowing everyone time to attend to me after I holler for the nth time!
Its not helping that I had decided just last month to do a facebook/whatsapp detox and wean myself from inane conversations and peripheral connections on social media....
Becoming aware how difficult it has become to quieten down and listen to my inner voice- Practicing the art of stillness!
' in an age of constant movement, nothing is more urgent than sitting still!'