Mar 10, 2009

Too many of us

There are so many of us who are resigned to life....

I too move into this zone occasionally ;-) !

To reflect back on life twenty years back :
Did compromise/resignation/listlessness 
or 'मेरा-क्या?'attitude towards my self exist in my dictionary 
or have I imbibed that over the years?

Among my women friends also , sometimes I sense this listlessness,
which is covered up with vehemant statements like ,
" I do not want to be like those ambitious career women who neglect their home and children!!!"
or drowned in lame remarks like -
"I have compromised my life for my children and husband's career, but I am ok."
"I can't do anything because of my family."

I do not believe that you need to be working to be alive ,

or stay at home all the time to nurture your family and children!

Each of us need to take our decisions...our priorities are like each of us....unique !

I guess there is never an IDEAL situation, for a working woman, a stay at home mother/wife ....or any one!

I just get very upset when we ( including me ) sometimes use others/circumstances as an excuse not to live life!

A teardrop

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